Jim Chambers
843-478-7922 | 866-262-2245
My National Insurance Producer Number is 8778026
The best way I can help you is to have a full picture of your current financial situation. Before our meeting together, please click the link below to complete a Financial Needs Analysis. Save to your computer and then use the “Upload” button at the bottom of this page to securely submit this Needs Analysis directly to me.
The buttons below will allow you to Compare rates, apply and purchase Life Insurance, Medicare Advantage Plans, Supplements and Drug Plans! Click to get started.
Of course you can always reach out to me with any questions or concerns!
About Me
I was born and raised in Rensselaer NY. I’m the oldest of four siblings. For as long as I can remember, I always was doing something as a young entrepreneur. I guess that’s why I enjoy this business. This included everything from mowing lawns, shoveling snow, raking leaves, and lemonade stands. I enjoyed playing all kinds of sports including basketball, baseball, football, cross country and track. In high school in addition to sports teams I was active in the local Boys and Girls Club, Kiwanis Club, student government and Varsity club.
I attended Florida Tech in Melbourne Florida and studied Aviation/ flight. I also ran cross country for the F.I.T. Panthers. I also further studied Aviation at Fulton Montgomery in Johnstown NY. I served in the US Army Reserves from 1992-1998 as a combat engineer, battalion trainer and Drill Sergeant. I earned the Army Commendation Medal for performance while training basic combat troops at Ft. Leonard Wood MO. I served alongside some of the finest people I have ever met.
I met my beautiful wife in 2000 and got married in 2002. We have three incredible kids who I love to spend every available minute with. My wife and I also are involved with our church, volunteering in the middle school and high school classes, Men’s hike ministry and Sisterhood ministry.
Professionally I’ve been in the financial services business for 15 years. I started out handling insurance claims and benefit questions, worked as a loan officer with a mortgage company, as well as wholesale lending, mortgage protection insurance, and migrating into the full spectrum of being a Retirement Advisor with Cornerstone for going on 12 years. I enjoy being able to assist my clients in all aspects of retirement planning, specializing in safe tax deferred investments, life insurance and estate planning.
Personally I enjoy anything being outdoors. My wife and I love to run and bike together, play tennis, beach volleyball, as well as travel and spend time with family and friends. I also enjoy coaching my kids’ sports teams. Helping my children become and accomplish more than what they thought they could is my passion in life.